Free Services Grants
Accessing Grants
Link List
How do I join?
Grants are a great way to secure funding for one-off projects or special programs. We can help you access that extra money, or you can find more help by clicking on one of the links provided.
Every club welcomes more money. Grants can help with infrastructure improvements such as rebuilding club facilities and buying extra equipment. They can also help you to build up your membership.
WA Government Grants & Subsidies
1 – Join for $110 Incl GST at My Reward Club
2 – Then all you need to do is Shop, Holiday, Save, FUNdraise & Repeat!

$110 per year per member
Rates vary depending on your group
Raise funds with API WA
Enjoy all the benefits and savings for only $110 per year incl GST.
If you use our holiday homes, you'll save on average over $300 on your first booking so it's well worth the saving!
Visit our member benefits and offers website
and join today!
Cost per person per year depends on the amount of people in your group.
The greater the size of the group joining the more we can negotiate on the rate per user.
Request a copy of our Corporate Rewards Partnership Program so we can help you with your specific needs.
Raise money for your favourite charity, social club, community cause, P&C or association.
When your supporters join My Reward Club and your community cause is registered with us, they can donate back $25 to your cause while enjoying the savings themselves.
If you get 40 members to join, you'll roughly earn around $1000!
Contact us to find out more.